Sunday, August 05, 2007

Andy Z show and Tiburon views for lunch

Thursday August 3, Corte Madera
Kai and Lukas play before Andy Z performs.

Yup, even the insects are bigger here in California. We beat you Amazon!

Here we go again to see Andy Z! Is it bad when Ute and I know the words to a his songs? And is it just as bad when we show our excitement and sing along when Andy sings the scarecrow song? Yup, I think we are the groupies here not Lukas and Kai. They were mature than their mothers!

Video: Scarecrow

Ute walks the little puppies and gets tangled with them.
Here is Ute, begging for Andy's autograph. Andy probably thinks she is stalking him...
So for lunch we bought some panini sandwiches and had a picnic in Tiburon. What a gorgeous day! Beautiful views of the Golden Gate Bridge right at the waterfront. Of course, Ute spent half her time running after Lukas (or Kai) while I took pictures of her pursuit of them.
Angel Kai and plum-stained Lukas run around the waterfront.
Ute catches at least one of the boys!
Kai and mama Arleen.
Lukas and mama Ute.

And it's back home as the boys think we are the chauffeurs.

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