My junk is someone's treasure, right? This weeks stuff...
Earlier this week, Kai decided to wear my motorcycle helmet that I am in the process of selling on Craigslist, with gloves and goggles. For some reason, Kai is just fascinated with motorcycles and will call any person riding one "daddy", as the first motorcycle he sat on was on a BMW R1100GS with daddy alright. And we are glad we sold that bike almost 2 years ago, considering the increased motorcycle accidents here in the Bay Area likely due to the sky-rocketing gas prices.
Kai is not looking thrilled having to dance in World Dance class in San Pablo. He is wearing a couple of ethnic looking scarves/dress and refused to participate with the rest of the cooperative children. My child marches to his own drum, as the saying goes...
Lukas is afraid of the Cookie Monster especially when it talks and moves about blocking Lukas' means to escape- so Kai placed Cookie Monster in the "time-out" corner. Poor Cookie! Two-minutes time-out for you!
Other than installing wood floors, I got myself neck deep in this one. Not only did I clean out Kai's room of toys and outgrown clothing to bring to a consignment store, but I ended up going through everything in the house in preparation for the neighborhood garage sale this Saturday 9/13.
I thought we didn't have enough to offer, until I took a good look at all the stuff on our driveway! I was amazed to see what people would buy, like partly used fabric softener, old dusters, hair products, Harley motorcycle oil, Febreze, my used panties (haha just checking to see if you were paying attention!) a food dehydrator that hadn't been washed for probably 10-years + as the food stains are still in there, and my bling-bling shoes. Things I thought would go, just didn't.

(The person hiding behind her jacket didn't want to be on the media that she was also up for sale! Actually she was offering German massages- which you know is just gonna hurt as rough as they are!)
It's already 7pm and I'm still cleaning up what wasn't sold. But we did make about $250 while sitting in camp chairs, drinking a margarita, and eating fresh baked pizza (thanks Rachel Rolf!). Even the Bienert's made out with some cash having sold a few things they brought along with them too. We must have had a 100 cars come by,as I did post signs with balloons and also on Craigslist. Joel came on over to hang out late in the day and was pleased when we handed him a wad of dineros from the crib we had sold also, that they had given to us after Brennan moved unto a toddler bed- as so had Kai. So we split the $80 on that one.
The nice thing is the house is clean, organized, and spacious having gotton rid of half the junk accumulated about 12 years living here. Oh, and I failed to mention that I made a deal with Kai- I would have to buy him more toys to replace the old ones sold or donated as he was not happy with what I was doing initially- so Thomas Trains is what he wanted and a few more did he get!
The day after the garage sale, we were pretty tuckered out- as Kai obviously was. At least today, we had a day to enjoy and hiked out in the Sobrante Ridge Park behind our home.
Labels: garage sale
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