Veteran's Day- and why am I working then?
It appears I forgot today was Veteran's Day and yes, as strange as it seems- I am a Navy Vet. Over 15 years ago I was actually inducted into this VFW with another girlfriend/Navy Vet in Midlothian, Illinois. We attended a couple meetings and then dropped out. It was apparant the old war vets liked to talk about things that happened 30 years ago in the military and then quicly closed the agenda so they could start their drink social!
So having said all that, I forgot about Veteran's Day until I saw 2 American flags on our property. I was a bit surprised and felt as if I was being stalked- that is until my neighbors across the street called laughing on the phone (the hubby was in the Air Force) to not only offer us Warrior tickets (basketball) but to tell me they had planted those flags.
And this afternoon, Lukas spent some time in daycare with Kai at the healthclub while Ute Mommy logged in a few hours to help me with the physical therapy business. After work, we all had dinner at my house and I could not resist but have Kai give Lukas an early Xmas present- Dr. Seuss's Horton elephant with storybook, because Lukas would always snuggle with Kai's elephant when he came over.
Look at just happy they are with the same stuffed animal!
PS- We had dinner with Germans (and on Veteran's Day)! Amazing how that's a turn in world history- I bet Adolf Hitler is flipping in his grave! There's irony right there!
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