Cliff-hiking at Castle Crags in Shasta and crossing the Sundial Bridge in Redding
02 June 2007, Saturday
Castle Crags, Shasta Region
This morning I wanted to be an over-achiever. I was looking forward to hiking to the Castle Crags cliffs with Kai strapped to my back. Again Greg gave me the look like I was wishful, and shook his head, but I rebutted that if Kai gets too heavy to carry, when will we hike again? Greg and I had completed this hike in 2004 and so we knew the route...and it is a steep one- all uphill for 2.7 miles...
This is one of Kai's happy moments, where he just soaks up his surroundings and excitedly points to the trees, flowers, and birds.
Greg said this hike was like being on a stairmaster- for hours!...that's me brambling up the rocks...
(Our family photo). Castle Crags on the left, Mt. Shasta in the background.
The Castle Crags consist of soaring spires made up of granitic material (granodiorite) that was formed some 170 million years ago far beneath the surface of the earth and later forced slowly upward through a blanket of serpentine. So when driving south on Hwy 5 past Mt. Shasta, keep an eye out for the menacing dark rock cliffs on your right. It's an odd sight to see these jagged cliffs suddenly jut out from behind heavily wooded hills.
The Castle Crags consist of soaring spires made up of granitic material (granodiorite) that was formed some 170 million years ago far beneath the surface of the earth and later forced slowly upward through a blanket of serpentine. So when driving south on Hwy 5 past Mt. Shasta, keep an eye out for the menacing dark rock cliffs on your right. It's an odd sight to see these jagged cliffs suddenly jut out from behind heavily wooded hills.
We reached the farthest one could go before requiring rockclimbing gear. I am body-hugging that boulder as there is a drop-off behind me and about a thousand feet drop-off in front. I tell Kai to sit still otherwise his weight-shifting may cause me to lose balance. He listens...
At last! After 2.25 hours of going uphill and scrambling over boulders- we sit on top of this cliff to admire our view and eat our lunch. I certaintly don't allow Kai out of the backpack. He'd run off the cliff! (Mt. Shasta in background.)

3 images are stitched together to give us this panoramic view.
Castle Crags range from 2,000 feet at the river to 6,000 feet at the tallest peak. I think we may be at about 5,000 feet sitting on the cliff!
Kai gives daddy a kiss on the cheek. // Still asleep after a long journey.
I am a proud mom- I was able to carry Kai for the full duration of the hike. Kudos, please! And I reward myself with Ben & Jerry's again!
Redding's Sundial Bridge
After a quick cold shower in the campground, we get back on Hwy 5 and head toward Redding. I read in the AAA Via magazine there was a new bridge in town, the Sundial Bridge that was completed in time for the July 4 celebration in 2004. And it was it's architecture that picqued my curiosity.
Whatever you do, do not pass out on this bridge, it is too hot to even kneel on- I could imagine the grill marks you'd get on your back if you did!
An amazing bridge built of steel and glass floors, which the floors light up at night to give it an ethereal effect, spans 700-feet across and 23-feet wide over the Sacramento River. This bridge was built by world renowned bridge designer, Santiago Calatrava whose plan was to never let the bridge "touch" the water. The span is supported by 4,342-feet of steel cable suspended from a single 217-foot-high pylon (that makes the needle of the sundial) and casts its shadow across the grass to markers indicating the time at summer solstice- June 21st, the longest day of the year.
Hmmm...June 21st marks two important events for me- when I broke my ankle motorcrossing in the mountains of Mendocino, and then 2-years later on the same date, I was confirmed to be pregnant with Kai! So when June 21st comes around, I get a bit nervous... wouldn't you?
Side view of the sundial bridge. It's not just a bridge but a work of art you walk across.
Kai stands on the mosaic-designed base of the sundial just under the bridge.
Peering through metal artwork on display just under the bridge.
Arleen under the dial trying to "align" herself with the casted shadow.
Heading back home, it is apparant it was a very hot day and dry grass catch fire.
Kai needed a break from the long car ride, so we let him out to play and he runs to the dog area, and for some strange reason he liked hanging around there even though there were no dogs to play with!
We reach home by 9 p.m. and jump into our comfortable bed!
Labels: Castle Crags, hike, Redding, sundial
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