Monterey Views and Forrest Gump gives Kai his first chocolate!
Saturday August 11, 2007
I was craving for clam chowder. So where else better to get a bread bowl of chowder than in Monterey? Kai certaintly had a great time trying this dish for the first time (and was quite messy- getting it on my pants and shoes!)
The place was packed and we sat away from the crowd, to eat off the pier with beautiful panoramic views.

Then there was this "flower girl" that offered FREE HUGS. We didn't miss out on that opportunity! Greg appeared to be pretty thrilled too?!
Close-up of the birds on the rocks.
A black and white spotted seal! They just love to bask on the rocks.
I threatened Forrest Gump to RUN! He had better keep on running too because he just gave Kai his first piece of chocolate from his Russel Stover box and Kai would be non-stop hyper. Yes, I will hunt him down to babysit!
I remember seeing this man 8-years ago. He corrected me and said he's been there for 11 years (although he insisted that Tom Hanks stole his character). He also said that by the time Kai turns 21, he hopes to retire from this job. Funny man.
The bougevilla are in bloom on Cannery Row.
Unfortunately we did not see the Monterey Aquarium. The line was so long it wrapped around outside the building with a 30-minute wait. So we hit the toilets instead.
I couldn't help but take this picture. This is a water-saving toilet with a sign "Lift up for liquid waste, press down for solid waste."
So I stood there-puzzled. Since I didn't poop, but there's toilet paper in it- is this considered solid waste? But maybe solid waste is mainly just poop, therefore it must be liquid waste. And even then, people pee more than poop, right? So in the interest of human habits, and ergonomics- the liquid waste control should have been a press down action and not a lift up! Get it?
I think too much... ???
Since there was no baby-sitting services here, we figured we'd keep him under lock and key one way or the other. Here he is trying to flag someone down to help him out.
Even the otters are bigger here in California.
Kai begs daddy for his chocolate malt, and gets his way of course!
Scuba diver in the kelp forest.
We don't really miss diving in these cold waters. Notice she has to wear a hood? You have to or get major brain freeze!
Kai gives me a kiss! How sweet- and on the beach!
But size does matter...and I use it to my advantage!
I love this image! Notice the different shaped umbrellas, the colors, and the kayakers in the background?
Kai screams with happiness here!
A wedding is taking place at this hotel. Glad I'm not shooting one this weekend considering I'm having a great time with my family!
Water fountain attractions.
This could be a Wyland painting but I don't see it signed by him. Wyland has these huge murials on the sides of buildings in several big cities across America. Check out his artwork- it's intriguing!
We had such a great day. The day couln't be anymore perfect- but we had to head for home. I peeled off the highway when I saw that Garlic World in Gilroy, CA(the garlic capital of USA) was still open. I had to get chopped garlic and smoked olives and garlic. I remember buying garlic-flavored chocolate ice cream here years ago. It's a horrible mix- trust me!
I also found out that every year they have a Ms. Gilroy Garlic Queen pagent competition. Hmmm...I don't think I would want that title. Do you have to reek of garlic to be a qualified contestant?
So what's the deal here? Here is a pix of Greg quickly entering the store (to use the bathroom)...
...and here he is all happy and dancing! BUT the store puts on the CLOSED sign. Was there an Orange Alert to evacuate because of certain toxic fumes (other than their usual garlic fumes)?
Labels: Cannery Row, Forrest Gump, Monterey
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