Saturday, October 20, 2007

GLASS (!?) Pumpkins in a Pumpkin Patch

Saturday, October 20, 07
This morning I just couldn't catch up on sleep. Both Greg and I were bombarded by toys- we were hit by soft and hard balls, books, Kai's head, Greg got a knee in the crotch, and my head was stepped on and hair-pulled. Kai was really trying hard to get us out of bed at 6:30 am.
So finally, by the time Greg got up to make coffee and Kai followed, I hid in Kai's bedroom to try and catch some ZZZ's under his teddy bear sleeping bag. Well, that was not allowed!
So we found the Halloween stuff and pulled some old bones out of the closet and hung them out on display. Kai loved to play with the hairy spider that would drop out from the ceiling on cue to loud noises, only to climb back up its web. And he did not like the vampire mask we had, especially when we chased him with it on. Bad parents, huh?
For an outing we visited the glass pumpkin patch in our town. Greg refused to let Kai run around having seen the price tag on these things! The cheapest sold for $85 and the most expensive at $600. This place only shows the pumpkins 3-weekends in October. But it was an impressive display of glass pumpkins in the fence-enclosed, razor-wired, secret garden in the bad part of Richmond. But worth the visit having also seen glass fish in the water fountain, and glass birds in the trees and bushes.

On site at the art gallery you could watch the whole glass-pumpkin/ gourd making process.
Making the vine part of the gourd.
Broken glass pumpkins, not for sale...

We later went to Richmond Marina where we walked along the waterfront on this beautiful day, and where Kai found a 5-year old at the playground who just loved to hug him. We rushed back to meet with his buddy Brennan for dinner. Brennan spoiled Kai with a Thomas Train Book of Rhythms, which Kai later demanded I read to him before bed tonight.
