Kai Stuff- November update
- Kai eats a blue lollipop and is preoccupied with checking out his blue tongue.
- Kai learned how to say "PEEZ" (please) with both hands held out together. Surprised me- I did not teach him this.
- Kai learned to say "TANK OO" on Thanksgiving day! What great timing huh?
- Kai tries on daddy's boots for size, after pulling it off the shoe rack.
- Every morning he will sit on the garage step and wave bye and blow kisses to daddy as he drives off to work. One day, we missed seeing him off (I was dead tired to get out of bed) and he spent the whole morning looking for daddy and running to the garage door.
- Kai will mimick my dancing in the car while driving to tunes. This surprised me when I saw this on the rear view mirror.
- He will flush the toilet for us. (We are trying to toilet train him) He at one time picked up his poop and handed it to daddy. Greg got grossed out of course.
- He loves his books! I usually get hit on the head with a book every morning. I cannot sit down to read without him joining me with his book also (again demanding that I read to him).
- Kai still startles me when screaming "RUCK" (truck) while driving. I cannot seem to get used to that announcement.
- Kai loves to hang out in the garage with daddy. He gets under the car with Greg and believe it or not hands him the tools daddy needs. (not perfect, but surprises Greg!)
- Kai helps me every morning to make the bed. He likes to place the pillows on the bed and will attempt to pull the blankets to smooth out the wrinkles. Of course, he will also mess it up again by jumping on it.
- He also has learned to skip and jump while running, off steps, and on the trampoline.
- He is mischievious. He has learned to drag the kitchen chairs to the counter and will get a hold of a bag of cookies or a chocolate bar. And to make sure I know about it- he will approach me with it and try to share, also offering what was just pulled out of his mouth. YUCK!
- Kai likes to give me belly blows and will grab my tummy baby fat and say "Baby!". I'm like, huh? Where did he learn that from?
- And when involving bad habits, he will stick his finger up his nose, smell his feet, or eat his feet just to get my attention.
- He also walked around in the store one day with his hand in his pants, I guess scratching his butt (just like daddy, haha).
- And when Greg and I hug each other, Kai likes to join in on the group hug...

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