Let's Party at the Splash Pad ! Cohen Turns 3
When asked what Cohen wanted for his birthday- he replied "I want Kai!"
I had just spent 2 hours at a meditation class this Saturday morning at the Cancer Center with my mother. The speaker there had a nice sense of humor and a great way of acting out scenarios. He reminded me of Tom Hanks.
There were several women there, about 15 in all, who had either had cancer, has cancer, or knows someone that has it. So I learned about Yin and Yan and how the body could be effected as we are torn between the demands of heaven (spiritual) and earth (material). We then had to sit quietly in meditation for 20 minutes. What- 20 MINUTES??? Was that possible with me to sit still and keep my eyes and mouth shut for that long? I would never last- but to my surprise Tom Hanks shook the chimes and what I thought was just 10-minutes was the 20 instead. Everyone was quite pleasant there, and I could see why my mother would continue attending these seminars... not to mention seeing Tom Hanks! (wink).
Daddy Matthew barbeques dogs and burgers. While I help to set up the party at the Splash Pad in the park.
Kai tries to feed Hope some cheese. He is so gentle with Hope and appears to understand her shortcomings.
Cohen is excited over a train table! But funny how they fight constantly over the portable wood train table and Happy Birthday Thomas train Kai had given as his gift.

Derek's woman, Jen, and baby Hope.
Derek's woman, Jen, and baby Hope.
Me with my new do! Adira tells me that I look neither like an auntie or a mother- but a teenager. I asked her if it was possible to get a teenager boyfriend then? hee hee.

VIDEO: Kai had just learned how to cycle and aims to hit the dog!
After the party, Adira and I walk to the Tribal Bead store to make ourselves a necklace. Here she is with a schoolmate. This is the same place where I had decorated our kitchen fruit bowl.
Adira with the store owner who is helping to assemble the necklace clasp.
Here we are each wearing our own style of necklace. Adira chose a necklace full of beads, madonnas, and a lucky green frog for a pendant. And I went simple- using 2 charms one with a happy face and an Chinese inscription "Health" on the other. I figured it would be a positive thing to wear to look like a shaman at the PT clinic.
VIDEO: Rain Worshippers.
Cohen was very lucky, just as soon as the party was over and we had left the picnic grounds, the rains came!
Cohen was very lucky, just as soon as the party was over and we had left the picnic grounds, the rains came!
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