Kai's little body flies over a bush! SKUUT accident.
November 16, 2008
Kai tried to keep up with his 7-year old neighbor Anthony, having watched his speed demon stunts.
Kai tried to keep up with his 7-year old neighbor Anthony, having watched his speed demon stunts.
So he would follow Anthony down one steep driveway and up another...and back and forth...until Kai decided to take his Skuut down an even steeper driveway.
Well, you can guess what happened- he lost control of his cycle, hit the cement edge and his little body flew over a bush before landing on his back. Greg chased after him.

As for me, I just sat there on the curb a little stunned by all this and must have been laughing at the same time (mom was on the phone at the time and thought that I was being a bad mom for laughing and not running to his side- but Greg beat me there!).
As for me, I just sat there on the curb a little stunned by all this and must have been laughing at the same time (mom was on the phone at the time and thought that I was being a bad mom for laughing and not running to his side- but Greg beat me there!).
Surprisingly, Kai did not cry. Anthony thought it was a "cool" stunt and Kai ran over to brag to me, "MOMMY! Did you see that? I CRAAAASHED!", with a big grin. Thank goodness he wore his helmet.
Later that evening, Greg had to repair the Skuut. Kai wore the bike out the steering, nuts and bolts had to be tightened and the back wheel glued.
That night Kai slept very well- or was it because of a concussion?
No broken bones (Video on Skuut cycle)
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