Our visit with HOPE today
August 18, 2007 Saturday
We drove into the city early am to beat the crowd at Lakeshore Drive that would be backed-up, with people there to see the popular Air & Water show. On the way, Cheri listened to the radio for the 36-hour phone-a-thon. The day was overcast and I felt my mood sink when they interviewed a crying mother about her son that had died from cancer. Then my sister blurted out in laughter, which surprised me as I wondered why during this sad speech. Cheri was laughing at me! because she could see me make faces as if "oh no, here we go again!" and that I was rolling my eyes skyward as I listened to this depressing stuff (I did not realize I was doing this). I then asked her to change the station as I would hate to meet Hope in such low spirits, and knowing that Hope will feel this from me.
At a stop light to turn towards the Children's Memorial Hospital, I stuck my head out the car window and waved this guy down to give us free fans with a sunglass /filter attached. Great idea- unfortunately for the show, the fan was useless today on this overcast and looks-like-it's-gonna-rain day- but the kids had fun playing with it.
As we entered the hospital, 2 photographers approached me and wanted to take pictures of Kai to be used for some advertising for Children's Memorial. I told them they should also take pictures of Cohen and Adira as they were siblings of Hope who had surgery just yesterday. So while Kai was too busy running from the photographer, hiding behind my leg, and at a last resort purposely sticking his finger up his nose in front of the lens- they switched their attention to Cohen. When they tried to photograph Kai again, Kai took to sticking his finger up his nose again!
GEEZ! This is definitely the end of his modeling career. Hopefully they got some good photographs.
101.9 FM was still running their phone-a-thon (to end 6pm tonight).
We took the elevators to the third floor to visit Hope.
The place was definitely child-friendly with trees painted on the walls, railroad tracks, leaves, or duck prints on the floor, and butterflies painted on the ceiling. We took a few Nemo stickers for the kids.
Mom was happy to see us, as she had spent the night there. Mom had been vomited on and sneezed on (blood flew out Hope's nose and hit mom) and in my presence she was passing gas quite a bit. Hope looked amazingly calm, as if in zen, and evaluated us as it seemed, while in her hospital stroller. In addition she appeared to be more interactive as she also had auditory tubes inserted at the time of her cranial surgery.
Hope checks out her big sister Adira.
Cute band-aid on her foot.
A part of the skull was removed at the top portion of her head where the bulk of the bandages were placed. To my understanding, this part of her head would remain unprotected by bone, but the skalp was sewn shut- to allow the brain to expand and grow normally. Her skull bones were also shifted forward to give her the brow. She would have the bandages removed upon hospital discharge and 2-weeks later have a helmet made for her to wear on a regular basis.
Hope looked great! The doctors and nurses were amazed that there was very little swelling, as her eyes did not swell shut.
Cohen kisses his baby sister.
Kai wants to touch Hope's face, of course I won't let that happen!
The boys peer out from under the patient curtains curious to see what is happening on the floor.
Nosey. Nosey. Yes, indeed! But get off that dirty hospital floor boys!
I cuddle Hope, and she lets me without a cry, and she is detached from her monitor to allow us freedom to walk with her on the floor.

Me being the clown that I am, convinces her mommy that Hope can read the nurses names on the bulletin by pointing them out when I direct her to.
Me being the clown that I am, convinces her mommy that Hope can read the nurses names on the bulletin by pointing them out when I direct her to.
Hope gets a little fussy and guzzles her formula down in a few minutes. Occasionally, I would have to remove the bottle to let her breath better, as her O2 sat dropped under 90, (happens when you eat at the same time).
Poor baby was having a bum rash and we repositioned her to one side to improve her circulation to her bottom of the static pressure due to being in her car seat for several hours. She would not be laid flat as the blood from her surgery may not drain properly and could cause increased cranial pressure. Hope began to play with her IV on her foot. Somehow she managed to hook the IV line with her thumb! We had to tape the line down more strategically.
I did some leg exercises with Hope, massaged her legs a little, and then tested her visual tracking. I was pleased, as was her mom, that she was tracking with both eyes (and symmetrically) a brightly colored toy flower. With subtle movement, Hope turned her head to look at the flower. After awhile, she began to fatigue with this activity and here eyes grew heavy followed by sleep.
I hung out in the waiting room/ children's playroom with mom, Adira, and the boys. When it was time for us to leave, Hope's temple area was beginning to swell about an inch laterally. Her eyes looked like they were getting swollen... we were warned the swelling may occur within 24-36 hours. Hopefully, not too badly- but when she got fussy, and began to cry- they would medicate her.
Mom Cheri takes a stroll with Hope on the floor...
Cheri will stay behind, while I drive nana home with the kids. Daddy Matthew is to arrive later that evening to relieve Cheri- he will be sleeping over tonight with Hope.
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