Antigua Here We Are!
We drove to San Ramon to pick up Lukas' daddy, Rolf, at 4am for him to drive us to Oakland airport and to keep our car safe at his house (like anyone would want to vandalize a mini-van). Poor Rolf had just returned from Germany and was likely trying to get on a regular sleep-time schedule- and we probably screwed it up. But it's great to have good friends to help us out. And despite my hints to Ute to make us coffee, she wasn't there to greet us at the door with Rolf (haha)
We flew from Oakland to Texas to Puerto Rico and finally took the last leg to Antigua in the Caribbean. From Texas, we were fortunate to meet another family who was willing to share their little girl's DVD with Kai, and helped to keep him entertained when he started to become restless. I felt sad for the little girl's mother as she was evidently a burn victim which left her with disfigurations in the face, upper torso and arms. I could tell she at one time was an attractive woman, but found her fortunate her husband was still with her. As curious as I was of how this terrible mishap happened, I did not ask even though I had talked with her when she sat next to me.
In Puerto Rico, Greg had chased Kai throughout the airport and finally got a hold of him as he tried to make it out the door to the airway.
Now at the Jolly Beach Resort in Antigua, Gramma entertains Kai with the toys and books she brought for Kai.
...and while Kai destroys the sandcastles Gramma attempts to build...
Kai has learned to give his looks of scrutiny. We call this his Zoolander "Blue Steel" look, which he will give you on command. It's really quite funny!
(Video: Kai the sandcastle destroyer)
...I could not prevent myself from nodding off the whole day. I think I practically slept the whole first day away!

Kai fits Grampa with Gramma's sun hat.
I try to get Kai to take a nap, but to no avail, I am unsuccessful!
Labels: blue steel, hobie, sandcastle, zoolander
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