Kai's Transitions to a Toddler Bed!
21 FEB 08
Greg's coworker gave us a toddler bed, which Greg assembled with the assistance of Kai, in our bedroom. Grampa and Gramma were arriving later this week and we wanted to give them some privacy in the guest bedroom where Kai's crib is located- therefore his bed in our room.
So we allowed Kai the trial run in his toddler bed. I was worried he would fall out as he loves to toss and turn- so we had one side barricaded. The first day, he got out of it probably a dozen times. And on the second day, half that, when I finally got fed up and told him he would be spanked if he didn't stay put. To make a long story short, he got spanked a little one on the bottom and he went to bed crying.
The third day, all I had to do was warn him about the spanking and he didn't even leave the bed and quickly hit the ZZZ's. But last night, when I tried to enter the bedroom I found he was acting as a doorstop. Poor baby, he was asleep behind the door and I stirred him enough to allow me enough space to get through. I couldn't help but cuddle him for a few minutes before I put him back in his bed again.

And then there are the books he still wants us to read him before he goes "sleep-sleep". Or is that a hint he misses the nursing sessions with mommy?
Labels: toddler bed
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