Our last days and Bad Storms in the Midwest

A few of several faces Kai makes as my mother and sister have noticed...
August 22, 2007 Wednesday
It's been raining practically our whole duration here in Chicagoland and with intermittent sun popping out from behind dark clouds. We had a couple nights of lightening and thunder and at one point I got a little scared because I couldn't tell if it was a passing train or actual thunder that I heard. It sounded as if it was right in the backyard!
Later the sun popped out again, and my brother-in-law put me to work. I guess maybe it was because I had been chowing down on my favorite cheesiecarmel mix that he makes- he got me to photograph his products for his MySpace blog.
The trick is to use window lighting...and you get a picture like this.
Then you enhance the picture with a little photoshop, and got some professional looking images for your ad.
We were planning on going to the state fair but decided against it since it was so hot and muggy- instead we went to the SplashPad. Nana came over and we later met up with Derek and his girl Jen for dinner.
Partners in crime, Cohen and Kai approach me with cups filled with water. What are they going to do???
This is Hope's first day outside, which she vocalized with much happiness.
Then we went out for sushi, and walked out on them after just ordering drinks and appetizers- the service was so poor and we just couldn't afford to waste time when we had 3 young ones out with us. We had Chinese take-out instead.
August 24, 2007 Friday
Hope is upset because she is having difficulty getting her foot to her mouth. She also wants me to pick her up. And she did win, only to fall asleep on my chest.
Hope receives her first dozen roses!
This being our last day here, we went for a walk before it got too hot. The boys just loved to ride this trailer, and not once did Kai get into the double stroller with Cohen. In fact, Kai was being a dare-devil by standing up as I pulled them along.
Kai and Cohen- those little monkeys!
We took them to the school grounds park, which was not outfitted for children this young. I think I felt several grey hairs pop through my scalp after having to chase after them so they wouldn't have a fall.

Then we came back, packed, and Matthew asked when was I moving back home? I asked him when he was gonna move the family out to California. He told me- he didn't wear the pants in the family...haha.
I loaded the car and Kai even brought out his own luggage (all the way to the car!) and then my sister drove me to the airport. During the drive, the grey clouds rolled in and the rains hit us so hard, we could barely see through the car window. I still got there well on-time.
But I should have just waited. Our flight was delayed several times. The storms were strong and the lightning bolts were long and lingered for several seconds, illuminating everything in it's vicinity. I was glad I was grounded and not in the air at the time.
I lacked a stroller, which meant Kai was running around getting in the way, and getting into trouble (like dragging his body while holding unto the moving walkway). So rather than me chase him and tie him down with a leash, I found an "extra-wide" wheelchair to rock him to sleep in- and to lay him flat and somewhat comfortably. It also allowed me the mobility to get us into the restroom w/o my having to wake him.
People got a kick that I was doing this, and it even got me 3rd in line into the airplane (they thought I was disabled with a baby- until I sheepishly told them I could walk). But what was funny was the beer drinkers found wheelchairs to lazily sit in!
Anyhow, Click on this link to read more about that terrible night that made the news http://www.comcast.net/news/index.jsp?cat=GENERAL&fn=/2007/08/24/747441.html
500 flights were cancelled at the Chicago O'Hare Airport - thank goodness mine wasn't or I'd still be at the airport as a stand-by.
But after 9 hours of waiting around, We didn't take-off until about midnight! We made it home by 4am. The best part about all of this? Greg was there to greet us with a big smile and waving arms, and Kai smiled back and said outloud "daddy!" Too bad Greg wasn't within earshot!
My sister Cheri told me that the storms were so bad they had flash-flood warnings, and the street lights were out, doubling her time to return home after dropping me off at the airport. Tree branches were scattered througout her neighborhood and a big tree at a nearby park had split in half. The sky was a sickening green, which usually means this is a tornado warning.
I'd rather deal with an earthquake than a tornado. Tornado's are pretty scary as you can see it coming and it builds up on your stress, plus when they touch-down they always destroy something- like trailer homes. I am convinced that it must be attracted to the metal quality of the trailer homes (just my theory)...as for earthquakes- well they take us by surprise.
I thought I would maybe cancel my work day. I have a splitting headache and my eyes are light-sensitive. (I am wearing sunglasses while I blog). Kai is sleeping in the playpen next door to the clinic... shoot now to go wake him up- it's time to go home!
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