Poop Boy and other news

My sister in law sent me a Walmart ad of my nephew Dylan. Since I've last seen him (last xmas) he was just a boy and now he looks like a teenager. Time flies! I've followed in her path how she had allowed Dylan to model. He has also down commercials in Toronto. Great job Dylan!
This is the oldest of 3 brothers, Fredi, who is obsessed with the NAVY although he had not served actively. He likes to dress up in military gear and follows the fighter pilots. In fact, he wore his full flight suit (with air mask) when he went tandem paragliding over Folsom Lake with our buddy Phil. Hey everyone has their quacks...
Anyway, I loved this picture of him staging this comical act.
This Sunday (Aug. 26), I checked on Kai and was overcome by this stench! He had taken off both his pants and diaper ladden with poop, and flung them out of his crib. I woke Greg from his nap and he immediately gave Kai a bath.
Greg thought he was just uncomfortable with a big load in the way and dealt with the problem himself. Other than having poop on his heels, at least he hadn't smeared it all over the place and in his hair like I heard a horror story via Greg's co-worker.
We still disinfected the place. Yuck!
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