SWAK! Baby Doll Love Me, HOT STUFF
Almost Valentines Day, February 13, 2008
Today had been a busy but fun day for me and for Kai just as well. I had been up to almost 2 am finishing color correcting engagement images and then got up at 5:30am just to attend a mixer networking meeting at 7am in Lafayette to represent an absent friend. I unexpectedly had to give 2 impromptu speeches about my business to a big group of strangers, and then competed with them over a crossword puzzle- only to my surprise, with cobwebs still in my eyes, to win a basket of Starbucks coffee/treats for finishing first!

(postcard of Kai used in my marketing scheme)
By 8:30- Greg drives up to transfer Kai to my car (so he can go to his work meeting) while Kai and I take off and play in the dew of Orinda playground laughing and screaming while Kai sits on my lap as I try to swing as high as I could (before I get vertigo and have to stop!)
I get to work by 10 am, drop off Kai at daycare who has somehow gotten sand everywhere under my radar- in the car, clothes, me... and I see an apparantly excited patient waiting for me in the lobby (so excited- he came 2 days earlier than scheduled). So I took him in anyway.
I laugh and tell Greg later that night I had treated 3 men all at once and all to myself BUT of course had them wimpering under my sadistic control (professional, of course ;) )

And after working with patients, I have lunch with Kai and we play basketball. Only I got too focused on trying to make a basket and the ball bounced off the rim and landed right on his forehead. His cries echoed throughout the healthclub... and I had to sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star repeatedly while carrying him back and forth across the basketball court, until he wanted me to put him down.
I then rush off to attend a remote computer software course and again retrieve Kai from daycare to discover that he has shoved his hand into his poop-filled diaper, revealing poop-stained fingers- his way of letting me know he needed to be changed. Ugh - great...
BUT best of all, I got these lovely Valentines from my little man! Let's see what tomorrow brings... hopefully no more poop-filled diapers.
Labels: Valentines
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