Ready to party! (at Lukas')

Kai poses with Gramma. What a handsome little guy, huh? I love their color coordination here.

He is such a little comedian when it comes to taking pictures.
So we leave San Fran and follow signs to Lukas' house (as seen above).
Lukas is thrilled to have Kai there and frequently that day, hugs Kai.
Kai flashes his "pearlie whites" on command.
The boys dance with this mechanical Valentine doggie, which they are easily humored by it.
Lukas has his birthday hand print made with the assistance of his mommy Ute.
Kai has his blue hand print made too.
One can never be too old to have a teddy bear! In this case, Rolf gets a teddy for his birthday (no not a negligee- but a teddy teddy).
Kai and Lukas enjoy their pizza sitting together.
Video: Pizza together.
Ute and Rolf did a fine job of making a homemade Thomas train cake for both Lukas and Kai!
Kai is the professional gift "un-wrapper". He didn't understand that at this party the presents belonged to Lukas. He became more frustrated...
Well, can you see why? Here is Auntie Ute who refuses to share the toys! Toy-hog!
Kai especially made that fortune cookie for Lukas on our visit to the Oakland fortune cookie factory. I was planning to play a gag on Ute also but the darn thing broke in transit! (Read the fortunes above).
Greg and I decided it was time to leave, it was apparent that the party was over and the Bienert's had drastically lowered the thermostat to hint us. Here we are with BLUE lips- we are sooooo c-c-c-cold!
Lukas gives Kai one last hug before we head out the door and back to San Fran for another night's stay with the grandparents.
Labels: birthday, Lukas, thomas train
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