Not only potty training self but learned how to be a photographer!
April 12, Saturday
I've been too preoccupied to potty train Kai. However I've noticed that he has not only been stating that he peed or pooped after the fact, but he's been taking off his diapers and would then sit on the toilet.

Tonight, we were so proud of him! Initially it was a false alarm to sit himself on the potty. So I drew him a bath and he willingly got in (he asks for bubble baths every night also!), within minutes of being in the tub he insisted in getting on the potty. I thought he was playing around and to my surprise- sure enough there was a lot of pee in the pot! I complimented him and clapped my hands and his smile stretched from ear to ear. I called daddy to help reinforce his training. So here's a picture of Kai taking a close look of his results! haha.
After his bath, Kai refused to let me dress him. He must have ran around the house for at least a half hour butt-naked. In this picture, he is trying to persuade daddy to let him in his office.
You're probably wondering what the heck am I doing? Kai got hold of my camera and knew not just how to turn it on and snap pictures BUT he knew how to review the pictures taken also. Now that sorta freaks me out. He is only two and must be a fast learner or he has seen me with my camera a million time to be able to operate it from observation.
Oh and another thing today- I was cooking lunch when I heard the microwave turn on- I opened it to find a metal whisk in it! My gut reaction was to remove it, but in the process I burnt my hand. Kai ran off to his designated corner for his time-out session. What's next on his agenda? I'm not sure, but I am certain I will probably get hurt from it (joking).
Labels: microwave, photographer, potty training
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