The 2008 Bay to Breakers "THINGS"

I just discovered that in 1991 Dr. Seuss died at 87 having had written more than 50 children's books and amazingly not having any children to survive him. I surprised that Ute and Rolf were not familiar with Dr. Seuss because he is the the son of a German Cavalry officer.
Kai and Lukas eat fresh strawberry and angel food cake.
I had come up with the idea of dressing up the boys as Thing 1 and Thing 2 from The Cat In The Hat children's storybook (written by Dr. Seuss in 1957) for the Bay to Breakers this year.
Anyway, I gave them homework- and it was to watch the Dr. Seuss video- so they would understand what the "Things" were all about since I had known these cartoons since my childhood and so had Greg (and he's British Canadian).
I had purchased the t-shirts and Thing dolls for the boys and gave Ute the project of trying to figure out how to make the hair to complete the costume.
The first trial was close- but the hair reminded me of Marge from the Simpson's. (maybe next year's costume, huh Ute?). So back to the drawing board. I searched the fabric stores and found the blue "fluffy" hair perfect for the job, as I remembered my mother sewing costumes out of similar material. So Ute worked at it and...
TA-DAH! By golly the hair looked both great on Lukas and me! (I've always wanted to be one of those blue-haired ladies you know?)
So while we waited for the blue hair to dry- Kai and Lukas ran around naked int he backyard after their swim.
Kai tries out his new "do" and acts and runs around like those Things...
Greg, Arleen and Thing 1 Kai.
There are plenty of costume-wearers on this train too.
Walking down Market street in San Francisco.
Kai gets a better view from daddy's shoulders as weave through the massive crowd.
The Things now strapped to our backs Mommy Ute and Mommy Arleen are ready to cross the start line- the beginning of a 12K. But of course, we get hit by a few flying tortillas...
Wearing our timing chips on our shoes, we had to cross under this structure (the Start) to activate it.
The 2008 timing chip. The Painted Ladies 2008 marks the 40th Anniversary of Hayes Street Hill being a part of the Bay to Breakers course. In 1968, to accommodate the construction of BART, the start-line was moved from Market Street to Howard Street. When the course was moved to Howard Street the ascension to Divisadero also moved, to Hayes Street. The Hayes Street Hill crests at Alamo Square, where the famous "Painted Ladies" Victorians are located.
And then a pool party swims by...
Even a whole turkey dinner (with wine) glides past us! Hungry yet?
The Olympic torchbearers aren't moving too fast, but they're inching their way to the finish line (in another 6 miles).
Elvis's hang around for the past,present, and future (will we ever stop hearing or seeing him? it's been like 40+ years since his death, right?)
An overhead view of the Things (still strapped to our backs).
That's the SF Examiner photojournalist chasing after us with a camera.
Meet Mr. Potato Head's family.
Here we are going up the steep Hayes Street Hill - see the thousands of people before us?
And see the infinity of people behind us too? (I'd like to think we had an infinite amount of people behind us!)
Clever idea of a costume!
Especially when Bush's face is attached to it!
I think he's always wanted to do that?
Are we exhausted yet? The boys are still strapped to our backs!
Another clever way to down a six-pack. The amazing things you could do with duct tape.
"Ahoy, mate! We have hit land!"
Hey, Jen- the next time you do the Susan B Komen run- wear these breasts, Ok?
We are running as fast as we can- hey our hubbies hadn't offered to bear the burden yet!
We make it as far as Holland!
And we let the boys out for a break to do their part in the Thing act.
Video: They are just being "Things!"
We cross the finish line! YEAH! and we later get our finish-line time via our running chips. Ute and I are thrilled, we didn't make it last year (they blocked us from crossing about a mile before the finish- as we ran well over time).
VIDEO: Crossing the Finish line with Things on Our Backs
By now we are hobbling to the park where the Footstock is being held to pick up the hard earned t-shirts for the boys. Kai decides to take the SWA airplane instead.
The Blackberry phone sorta freaks out the boys as they hide behind their parents.
The Things try to venture on their own, only to have the adults chase them up this hill and carry 'em back down.
Kai's runner's bib #24227.
We catch the Muni busses to the BART station (another long line to return to the start line). Heck, we're not doing another 12K back!
On the MUNI we see male "Hooters" walk by drunk and also see some others puke from drinking too much

Kai wipes out. And so does Lukas. The Things lights are out!
Kai wears his Bay to Breaker t-shirt from the race, and looks great as a red-head!
Kai holds the timing chip (the 2nd of 5 series to commerate the upcoming 100th year Bay to Breaker anniversary in 2011)
2007 The Ferry BuildingThe Timing Chip
The first chip in the series depicts the start-line of the race in 1944 at the foot of Market Street in front of the Ferry Building. Still known as the Cross City Race at that time, it was another twenty years (1964) before the race was renamed Bay to Breakers. Originally going up Golden Gate Avenue to Divisadero and then over to Fell and through Golden Gate Park, the route was changed in 1955 to ascend Turk Street to reach Divisadero.

YEAH! Kai holds up his certificate and wears his Bay to Breaker shirt from last year's event.
YEAH! Kai holds up his certificate and wears his Bay to Breaker shirt from last year's event.
Hmmm? What will they be next year? However, I think we will not be carrying them this time.
PS By the way, we received a tremendous amount of positive comments on the boys costumes. They certaintly did a great job of acting their mischievious part as Thing 1 and Thing 2- and brought a lot of smiles to people's faces!
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