Party in my room. Taste of Chicago event.
Meet our family!
June 7, 2007 Saturday

Cohen and Kai lay there checking each other's face out. Playing with a pig ball that oinks.
I hear the bedroom door opening, and a little voice shrieks-"Adira!...Baby! Baby!" multiple times. And then Kai gets all excited and starts to jump on my bed. Cohen enters the room and joins in on the bouncing also. By now, I am awake (not willingly) as I have to catch the boys should one go tumbling off.
In no time, family members enter the room one by one...

Kai's cousins Cohen and Adira. Daddy Matthew and baby Hope.

Well, it was just too hot to try the hot foods there. Everything looked great- but we kept thinking we'd just get hotter in this searing heat eating something hot. So we went for watermelon, fried ravioli, cheesecake on a stick, and grilled corn- washed down by gatorade and water.

June 7, 2007 Saturday
Cohen and Kai lay there checking each other's face out. Playing with a pig ball that oinks.
I hear the bedroom door opening, and a little voice shrieks-"Adira!...Baby! Baby!" multiple times. And then Kai gets all excited and starts to jump on my bed. Cohen enters the room and joins in on the bouncing also. By now, I am awake (not willingly) as I have to catch the boys should one go tumbling off.
In no time, family members enter the room one by one...
Kai's cousins Cohen and Adira. Daddy Matthew and baby Hope.
We evenutally make our way out the house to catch a train to Chicago. Great that it's walking distance; bad when we are running late and are rushing with strollers to catch it.
The platform was already packed with people. I could guess that the majority were going to the Taste of Chicago to try foods from all around the world. I struggle with 2 toddlers who try to escape their train seats and who terrorize the women behind us. Kai got good at putting on a show by drooling on the seatback for them.
My sister Cheri and her family with Kai.
We get off at the Van Buren Station and head to the Taste.
and were entertained by street perfomers.
Well, it was just too hot to try the hot foods there. Everything looked great- but we kept thinking we'd just get hotter in this searing heat eating something hot. So we went for watermelon, fried ravioli, cheesecake on a stick, and grilled corn- washed down by gatorade and water.
I couldn't resist buying this shirt for Cohen. I should have gotten one for Kai also. That's mama Cheri with baby Hope. Hope did really well in this outing today, especially with this heat. She barely made a peep.
Labels: street performers, Taste of Chicago
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