BEWARE of POOP golfing!
April 19, 2008

I may have posted this picture before but Kai has this thing about shoving his hands in his pants if his butt is itchy or if he poops. We've been trying to deter him from this bad habit, however I was told recently that he was pulling down his pants in daycare to show his "pee-pee" or "penis" to others (he will say both words). In this case, he was trying to tell them that he needed to go to the bathroom. Unfortunately they could not assist with the potty training as there were too many kids to tend to there.
So Kai, again got all excited when he peed (checking it out to make sure it is really pee), and was extremely excited when he produced his first poop here too.
Unfortunately, this was just the beginning of something bigger he produced, which I did not take seriously his warning...and he missed his toilet session because of me ...bad mommy!
I thought Kai was just goofing off on his toilet and I lost patience and told him to come find me in the bedroom when he was finished, where I was just beginning to pass-out from exhaustion. In my half-asleep state, I could hear Kai saying out loud "Poop! Yuck!" followed by thud!, thud!, thud! and then the same thing over again. I remembered in my mind's eye he had a plastic golf club that Lukas had given him for Easter.
I jolted out of bed. And sure enough, Kai was crouched over with his golf club swinging at the little poop pellet out on the hallway. Nope none of the poop made it into the toilet... at least not until I had to pick them up and then spend time on my knees scrubbing carpet cleaner in.
So to assist Kai with the ease of taking off his diapers, I bought him pull-ups which he quite enjoys the cartoon boy Diego on it. Greg made the mistake of putting the other diapers on him, which Kai through a fit. I guess the comfort is just not the same, plus Kai knows it as "big boy pull-ups".
So what's in store for me next? I'm somewhat concerned...
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